Jesus, Promised Messiah | Studies in the Gospel of Matthew
01 Series Overview | 09-15-24
02 Announcing the Coming Messiah | Matthew 1:1-25 | 09-22-24
03 Seeking the Savior | Matthew 2:1-12 | 09-29-24
04 Herod Seeks to Kill Jesus | Matthew 2:13-23 | 10-06-24
05 Prepare the Way of the Lord | Matthew 3:1-6 | 10-13-24
06 Jesus' Baptism | Matthew 3:7-17 | 10-20-24
07 Temptation in the Wilderness | Matthew 4:1-4 | 10-27-24
08 Temptation in the Wilderness | Matthew 4:5-11 |11-03-24
09 Beginning of Galilean Ministry | Matthew 4:12-25 | 11-10.24
10 The Beatitudes | Matthew 5:1-3 | 11-17-24
11 The Beatitudes - Part 2 | Matthew 5:4-6 | 11-24-24
12 The Beatitudes - Part 3 | Matthew 5:7-8 | 12-01-24
13 The Beatitudes - Part 4 | Matthew 5:9-12 | 12-08-24
14 Salt and Light | Matthew 5:13-16 | 12-15-24
15 The Fulfillment of the Law | Matthew 5:17-20 | 12-29-24
16 The Wicked Heart | Matthew 5:21-30 | 01-05-25
17 The Adulterous Heart | Matthew 5:27-32 | 01-12-25
18 Other Attitudes of the Heart | Matthew 5:33-42 | 01-19-25
19 Love Your Enemies | Matthew 5:43-48 | 01-26-25
20 The Model for Prayer | Matthew 6:1-9 | 02-02-25
21 The Model for Prayer - Part 2 | Matthew 6:9-15 | 02-09-25
22 Don't Be Like the Hypocrites | Matthew 6:16-21 } 02=16-25